Brief Introduction:
Inter-library Loan Service is established to assist our teachers and students in expanding their reading resources, as well as strengthen the cooperative relationships with other libraries; it provides our teachers and students with inter-library circulation services through exchange of library card.
Interlibrary Loan Card Service application time
- NTUST students or formally authorized faculty and staff are eligible (alumni are not included)
- Time: Mon-Fri, at the reference desk (office hour only); Please contact the circulation counter after office hour (17:00-21:30)
- One student card or school staff pass can exchange for one library card of the associated libraries. The amount of associated library cards are limited, readers are offered a loan period of one week.
- Please check the opening hours of each associated library on the website for your own borrowing. The interlibrary card should be returned to the Library in 7 days.
- Readers are allowed to check out 5 volumes with each interlibrary card.
The loan period is subject to the rules of each associated library, usually a three-week period. Renew and reservation services are not available. Please follow the “Borrowing rules” and “Rules for Overdues, Fines, and Lost Materials” of each associated library. Compensation on overdue and lost are in pursuance of the regulations of each associated library.
- Readers should return the books before the due date. Overdue fine should be settled by readers in person.
The cooperation library are as follows: Mark * for cities other than Taipei, New Taipeist
Note on Inter- library card and its usage:
- If user return the Inter-Library card within 7 days, he/she can loan up to 5 books; The borrow period depends on each library’s regulations; renewal and reservation services are not provided.
- Please return the borrowed books on time, penalties will be given according to the regulations of each library on overdue fines, loss or damage to books.
- The Inter-library violations result in suspension of borrowing privileges. The duration of suspension is based on the violation days of: overdue days of the inter-library card, inter-library borrowed books or unpaid fines. The borrowing privileges remain suspended after fines are paid or books are returned, and last for the amount of accumulated violation days.
- If the card is missing, please report the loss IMMEDIATELY to us, and pay the new license fee of NTD $ 200 dollars.
- The card holder shall comply with every loan management provisions of each individual Library.