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Floor Plan


Library Floor Layout

Front Building

Floor Services Collections Floor Plan
  • Dean Office
  • Acquisition & Cataloguing Division
  • Entrance、Exit
  • Light Meal Area
  • Circulation Desk
  • Reference Desk ( System & Information Division )
  • Information Commons(Computer room)
  • Information Retrieval Area
  • Self-Service Copy Area (Multiple payment)
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper Reading Area
  • General Collections (Back Building)                               
  • New Books Display Area (loanable)
  • Current Periolicals (In-Library use only)

Floor Plan

  • System & Information Division
  • Study Room
  • Discussion Rooms/Audio Visual Area
  • Laptop Priority Seats
  • Sofa Lounge

Floor Plan

  • Laptop Priority Seats
  • Quiet Reading Seats
  • General Collections (4F Back Building)
  • Bestsellers /Library's Top Picks
  • Current Periodicals
  • Bestsellers (Bestsellers of the Month are unloanable but reservable.)
  • Library's Top Picks (Monthly Top Picks are Library only.)
  • Current Periodicals(Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan

Back Building

Floor Services Collections Floor Plan
  • Learning Commons
  • 『2021 Bestsellers Special Exhibition』

Floor Plan

  • Information Retrieval Area
  • Self-Service Copy Area
  • Chinese Books(312.932-563.53) (loanable)
  • Taiwan Tech Thesis (Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan

  • Information Retrieval Area
  • Self-Service Copy Area
  • Western Books(A-TA) (loanable)
  • Chinese Books(563.53-855) (loanable)

Floor Plan

  • Interlibrary Loan Service ( Periodical & Circulation Division )
  • Information Retrieval Area
  • Self-Service Copy Area (Multiple payment)
  • 經廊道往前棟3F
  • Western Books(TA-Z) (loanable)
  • Chinese Books(855-999) (loanable)

Floor Plan

5th -
  • Bound Periodicals of Oriental Languages (Non-Circulating)
  • Bound Periodicals of Western Languages(A-HG(R)) (Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan

6th -
  • Bound Periodicals of Western Languages(HG(R)-QD(A)) (Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan

7th -
  • Bound Periodicals of Western Languages(QD(A)-TH(C)) (Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan

8th -
  • Bound Periodicals of Western Languages(TH(C)-Z) (Non-Circulating)

Floor Plan