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Library to invite you to see a movie " The Equalizer 3" at 17:30 p.m. on Mar. 20 (Wed.), 2023 at Light Meal Area of Library (1F).

◆ Film:The Equalizer 3
◆ Language:English
◆ Subtitle:English

◆ Run Time:109 minutes
◆ Date: Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2024
◆ Time: 17:30-19:20 (Admission from 17:10)
◆ Venue: Light Meal Area of Library (1F)
◆ Organizer: NTUST Library
◆ Web Site: https://sites.google.com/view/0320movie
◆ Registration Time:Now~2024/03/18(Mon.) 23:59 p.m.
◆ Room Capacity:32 persons (Pre-registration required; on-site registration also available if pre-registration is not full. Complimentary dinner refreshments box to be provided.)
◆ Overview:
IMDb 6.8
◆ Plot:
Robert McCall finds himself at home in Southern Italy but he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what he has to do: become his friends' protector by taking on the mafia. (Source: IMDb)

Movie Trailer 


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